Monday, April 30, 2007


I just want to go to bed...

I don't want to do the rest of my homework; I don't want to take care of my house, or clean Nellie's cage, or anything...I just want to sleep. I got sick last week, and I'm still working on getting over it, and the only thing that sounds good right now is to sleep. I wish I could use that as an excuse to not do my homework, but that's not has to get done before I get anymore behind than I already am. Actually, it's really only my Art History papers that are a problem. I'm dominating in Math and Spanish!! I'm dominating in Art History too, but I just have trouble wanting to do the papers. We have weekly short papers that are basically just busy work to show our teacher that we're learning something and to give him something besides the quizzes to base our grades on. They're no big deal and he even lets us turn them in late because he wants us to get the points, but I often use that as an excuse to not get them done (I keep telling myself "Oh, I'll just turn it in on Thursday") and then they pile up (sort of like the dishes!!!) So I have two to do tonight instead of just the one, and I don't feel like working on them :(

Right now Stephen and Shadow are taking a nap together on the couch and I really want to join them!

Enough of my whining...I'll just have to buck up and face the work. On a more fun note: I've been drawing floor plans and making up designs for houses. It's all just for fun but I love it!!! I spent hours this week drawing and fixing and figuring how it would all lay out. Floor plans have been a fettish of mine for awhile (I sometimes spend an hour or two looking through various websites), and so I finally decided to pull the ideas I've been holding in my imagination out and actually put them all together into whole houses. I know...I'm a little strange! I think it'd be fun sometime to take some architecture classes...we'll see!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

That's awesome that you like to look at floorplans and design your own. My sister just designed her own floorplan and is trying to get a builder to do it. Fun stuff. Architecture would be very neat.