Monday, April 30, 2007

dos mil dolares

Do you ever just have certain phrases go through your head all day? It's like having a song stuck in your head, but instead it's just a phrase. Actually for me it's not even a phrase, just a random collection of words. And today's winner is: "dos mil dolares"

I've been saying that in my head all evening. I have no idea doesn't even really make sense. It's nothing we used in Spanish any time lately (or maybe never, at least not in that combination). Sometimes my phrases are in English and sometimes they're in French and sometimes they're in Spanish. I guess I just find combinations of words that sound nice together or that have a musical quality in my head, so I repeat them over and over. dos mil dolares.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I always end up with little bits of songs stuck in my head. Ted hums and sings a lot, so the songs in my head are usually from him. :)