Sunday, January 27, 2008

Further Proof I'm a Terrible Cook...

I again attempted to make a cake, and it's a pretty big mess! I had some cake mix to bake Stephen a cake for his birthday on the 7th, but since I was sick then I didn't ever do it. So I was thinking about making a cake today, and then Stephen inconspicuously set it out on the table when he left for work, so I decided to take the hint!!

I don't know why I am so bad at baking cakes! (I could probably do a sheet cake just fine, but Stephen likes the round layered ones better) I thought it would turn out ok, but then I couldn't get the layers out of their pans and they were all crumbly and breaking apart. I just slathered them with frosting to keep everything from completely falling apart! And the finished product is lumpy and lopsided and really ugly! Seriously, it's pretty bad!!! At least I have a sweet husband who won't really care what it looks like.


Alyssa said...

The cake looks just fine! And I bet it was really good to eat!

Amy Kim said...

this has happened to me more times than not. i love the idea of layering cakes too... but i'm too impatient to wait for it too cool enough before i start. i think that's my main problem. ah well. still good for the sweet tooth. :]