I don't really feel like doing anything right now, so I decided it would be a good excuse to share some pictures from our Thanksgiving. Yes, that's right...we went to FLORIDA for Thanksgiving!!! We went and visited Stephen's brother Matt and his wife and little girl. It was so gorgeous and warm! But it was really weird to think that it was November and people were wearing shorts and tanktops. It just doesn't feel right to be hot and sweaty and sunny and to see Christmas decorations up. If nothing else, it made me realize I don't want to live somewhere that is warm all year (I used to think I would love that, but now I don't think I could get used to it). I want to settle somewhere that actually goes through all 4 seasons.
I wish now that I'd gotten the camera out more on the trip, but I only ended up taking pictures at the beach.
I love this one of Stevo:
And here I am:
The two brothers:
Me, Areo (aka Kristi), and a wet Serenity:
We hadn't been planning on swimming or anything (since it was late afternoon), but Serenity just wanted to get right in the water, so she had to make do with just the diaper!
Digging with half a sandollar:
Serenity after she got all dried off and warm:
I really like this one too! The standard foot shot:
We just happened to get there right before the sun went down, so we got to watch a beautiful sunset over the Gulf of Mexico!!! I couldn't have asked for a more special moment!
We had a good time and loved just hanging out with Matt and Areo (and playing with Serie of course). Stephen got me to play with the wii (I'm a little chicken when it comes to trying new things I may not be very good at), and it was a blast! I woke up the next morning with super sore arms and shoulders, though! Never thought I could get a workout from a video game :)
It is so exhausting to fly across the country; it honestly takes all day! On our flight over to Florida we didn't have to change planes at all. This sounded like a good perk, but what we didn't realize was that we wouldn't be getting off the plane at all when it had to stop, which meant we couldn't get anything to eat all day!!! They just stuffed us full of peanuts and soda! To add to the already long day, we ended up having to turn around and make an emergency landing in Memphis because there was a very sick little girl they needed to get to the hospital. I still don't really know what happened (just that she had a really high fever, and I think maybe was throwing up or had a ceizure or something), but when we landed an ambulance, firetruck, and police cars were there waiting to meet us. It was such a crazy and rare experience...I mean, really, how often does that happen!?!?
I'm glad to be home now, though. It feels good to get back into the normal routine and get back on a pacific time sleep schedule (I had a lot of trouble adjusting to the time change over our trip). I'm getting all caught up on school too; it's nice to see the end in sight...just one more Soc. test, one more Psych. test, a Chem. final, and one more Chem. lab report to finish (and maybe one more small Soc. paper). Not too bad!!! The lab report is actually the reason I'm here blogging...there's nothing like a little blogger procrastination when there's homework I could be doing :)
Ok, well I guess this is probably getting a little long for one post. And I really should get something done before Stephen gets off work (7 hours is a long time to not do anything)!!! I just really don't want to do my lab report. Maybe I'll do some research for my play instead :)